Tap into consumer’s social behaviours with the right message.

The field of digital marketing is always changing. Digital agencies are constantly on the look out for new trends that can help their clients, and keep up to date with any changes in search engine algorithms so they can ensure their clients rankings stay high. Global social media advertising is no exception to this rule.

Social media advertising is an essential part of any company’s marketing strategy. It allows companies to reach their customers in the most effective way possible, and it helps them build relationships with their audience that can last for years. We at Deluux.io create custom social success formulas based on our clients’ needs and digital maturity.

Deluux.io’s Social Media Services

  • Social Media Management

  • Twitch Advertising

  • TikTok Advertising

  • Reddit Advertising

  • Facebook / Instagram advertising

  • LinkedIn Advertising

  • Twitter Advertising

  • Pinterest Advertising

Social Media Agency Market

Social media platforms have taken over the internet by storm. They provide a great opportunity for businesses to reach a global audience. Social media advertising can be used to target specific demographics, interests, and even locations.

There are a variety of ways in which businesses can use social media advertising to reach their target audience. Some businesses choose to use social media advertising as a way to increase brand awareness. Others use it to drive traffic to their websites, or to get more leads and sales.

No matter what your goals are, social media advertising can help you reach them. Global social media advertising can be extremely effective in helping businesses achieve their goals.

At Deluux.io we have the experience of rolling out social advertising globally.

Social Media Advertising Stats:

Global Social media advertising is growing at a rapid rate. The greatest growth has been noticed on Instagram and Snapchat, where social media marketing spend has almost doubled in the last year. Mobile ads now generate 85% of all social networking ad revenue. Google, Facebook and SnapChat account for over two-thirds of global digital ad spending, and that will likely increase to three-quarters by 2021.

How Social Media Advertising can work for you

Global social media management is essential for businesses who want to make the most of this powerful marketing tool. A good social media management company will help you create a social media strategy that will reach your target audience.

Targeted social media adverts allow you to spend your budget where it matters the most. It makes sense for businesses to put their adverts where their target audience spends most of their time online. Global advertising, or geo-targeting is simply the process of putting your ads in front of people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

Got excited and want to bounce off ideas on how Deluux.io can help you with your social media management?

Feel free to book a consultation today!